
Welcome to ‘World in my pocket’- the online journal of my adventures
I’m Natasha- a 20-year-old English Literature student at University of Leeds. I grew up in the majestically grim London borough of Bexley, situated about 30 minutes away – give or take- from the centre of the capital. I love old dusty books and libraries, hence the degree. I ‘m a self-confessed bookworm. I’ve been writing  my own stories and creating  fantasy worlds since I was a little girl.
 My main passion, however, is travelling this world. This blog will be devoted to that, hopefully becoming a vibrant diary to document my past and future adventures . I hope to be quite experimental in my writing style so bear with me while I find my feet in the blogosphere world.
 I aim to spend my life wandering this beautiful earth and documenting what I find through pictures and writing. So far, I’ve mainly explored Europe but my wanderlust is indeed insatiable so who knows where it will take me in the future.
 Please feel free to contact me on Facebook or instagram to chat, I can be quite friendly sometimes 🙂